How to Fix QuickBooks Invoices to Fail Sending Emails?

If you’ve been using QuickBooks to manage your business's finances, you know how essential it is to send out invoices quickly and efficiently. But what happens when your QuickBooks invoices aren’t sending emails as expected? This issue can be frustrating, potentially impacting your cash flow if your clients don’t receive the invoices they need to pay. Fortunately, there are common reasons why this happens, and we will explore them in detail, along with practical troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem.

QuickBooks is an excellent tool for managing business accounting tasks, and the ability to send invoices directly via email is a convenient feature for many business owners. However, some users report issues where QuickBooks invoices aren’t being sent through email. This can be due to multiple factors including software settings, internet connectivity issues, or problems with the email service provider.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the most common reasons for this problem and provide detailed solutions to help you resolve the issue quickly. By the end of this article, you should have the knowledge needed to troubleshoot and fix these email-related issues.

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Common Reasons Why QuickBooks Invoices Aren’t Sending Emails

Incorrect Email Settings in QuickBooks

One of the primary reasons invoices fail to send is due to incorrect email settings in QuickBooks. If your email settings are not configured correctly, QuickBooks may not be able to connect to your email provider’s servers, preventing it from sending emails.

Problems with Internet Connection

Another common issue is a poor or unstable internet connection. If your internet is disconnected or fluctuating during the time of sending invoices, the email might not be sent successfully.

Email Provider Restrictions

Many email service providers have restrictions on how emails can be sent, especially if they detect an unusually high volume of outgoing emails or suspect that emails are being sent through automated services. These restrictions can block QuickBooks from sending out invoices.

Firewall or Security Software Interference

Your firewall or antivirus software may block QuickBooks from accessing the internet to send emails. This is particularly common with more stringent security programs that block third-party applications from sending emails through your email account.

Browser Compatibility Issues

QuickBooks relies on your default web browser to handle certain tasks, including sending emails. If there’s an issue with browser settings or compatibility, this could prevent QuickBooks from sending emails.

Outdated QuickBooks Version

An outdated version of QuickBooks can also cause issues when sending emails. Software updates often include bug fixes and improvements, so using an older version may lead to issues like email sending errors.

Email Server Issues

Sometimes the issue lies not with QuickBooks but with your email server. If your email server is down or experiencing issues, QuickBooks won’t be able to send emails until the server is back online.

Problems with Email Authentication

Authentication issues between QuickBooks and your email provider can cause emails to not be sent. This is particularly common when using two-factor authentication (2FA) or other advanced security features with your email account.

File Size Limits on Attachments

If your invoice has attachments, such as PDFs or other documents, and they exceed the file size limit imposed by your email provider, the email may not be sent. Each email provider has its own size restrictions.

Issues with the Invoice Template

There could also be an issue with the invoice template itself, such as corrupted data or missing fields, which can prevent the invoice from being sent.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Here’s a detailed guide to help you troubleshoot why your QuickBooks invoices are not sending emails.

Checking Email Preferences in QuickBooks

The first step is to check your email preferences in QuickBooks to ensure they’re set up correctly.

  1. Open QuickBooks.
  2. Go to Edit and then select Preferences.
  3. Click on Send Forms on the left-hand side.
  4. Verify that the correct email provider is selected under the My Preferences tab.
  5. Check that the email address listed is correct.

If the settings are incorrect, adjust them accordingly, and try sending the invoice again.

Verifying Internet Connection

Ensure that your internet connection is stable:

  1. Open a web browser and try to load several different websites to verify the connection.
  2. If your internet is slow or disconnected, troubleshoot your connection by restarting your router or contacting your internet service provider (ISP).

Checking Firewall or Antivirus Settings

Firewalls or antivirus programs may block QuickBooks from sending emails.

  1. Check your security software settings to ensure that QuickBooks has permission to access the internet.
  2. If necessary, temporarily disable the firewall or antivirus to test if this resolves the issue. If it does, add QuickBooks to your firewall's exceptions list.

Updating QuickBooks to the Latest Version

Ensure that you are using the latest version of QuickBooks, as updates may resolve bugs that affect email functionality.

  1. Go to Help in QuickBooks.
  2. Click on Update QuickBooks Desktop.
  3. Select Update Now and wait for the update to complete.
  4. Restart QuickBooks and try sending the invoice again.

Verifying Email Address Format

Double-check that the recipient's email address is entered correctly and in the right format. Sometimes, simple mistakes like an extra space or a missing character can cause emails to fail.

Checking for Browser Compatibility

Since QuickBooks relies on your default browser to handle some web-based tasks, make sure that your browser is up to date and compatible with QuickBooks. QuickBooks Desktop works best with Internet Explorer, while the online version works well with browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

Testing Email Connectivity

You can test whether your email is connected to QuickBooks by trying to send a test email.

  1. Go to File in QuickBooks.
  2. Select Send Forms.
  3. Click on Send Now.

If the email is sent successfully, then the issue may be isolated to specific invoices or email addresses. If not, proceed to the next troubleshooting step.

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How to Fix Common Issues with Email Providers

Different email providers may have unique configurations that need to be addressed when using QuickBooks.

Gmail Users

Gmail often uses two-factor authentication (2FA) and other security features that may prevent QuickBooks from sending emails unless configured properly.

  1. Generate an app-specific password for QuickBooks in your Gmail account settings.
  2. Use this password instead of your regular Gmail password when configuring email settings in QuickBooks.

Outlook Users

Outlook users may experience issues due to outdated email settings or software.

  1. Ensure that Outlook is set as your default email client.
  2. Check that the SMTP and IMAP settings in Outlook match those required by your email provider.
  3. Disable any add-ins in Outlook that may interfere with QuickBooks.

Yahoo Users

Yahoo Mail users may need to enable “Allow apps that use less secure sign-in” in their Yahoo account settings to permit QuickBooks to send emails.

  1. Go to Yahoo's account security settings.
  2. Enable the option to allow apps that use less secure sign-ins.
  3. Update your Yahoo email settings in QuickBooks and test sending an invoice.

Other Email Service Providers

For other email service providers, ensure that the SMTP settings in QuickBooks match those provided by your email service. If your provider uses secure authentication methods like OAuth, you may need to set up an app-specific password.

Proactive Measures to Avoid Future Email Problems

To minimize future issues, consider implementing the following proactive measures:

  1. Regularly Update QuickBooks: Ensure you are using the latest version of QuickBooks to prevent compatibility issues with your email provider.
  2. Check Email Provider Policies: Be aware of any changes in your email provider’s policies or security features that may affect QuickBooks’ ability to send emails.
  3. Backup Your Email Settings: Regularly check and back up your email settings in QuickBooks to ensure they are correct and can be easily restored if an issue arises.
  4. Monitor Invoice Emails: Keep an eye on whether clients are receiving their invoices, and follow up immediately if there are any issues.

When to Contact QuickBooks Support

If you’ve tried all the above troubleshooting steps and your invoices are still not sending, it may be time to contact QuickBooks support. They can help diagnose more complex issues related to your QuickBooks account or software configuration that might be preventing emails from being sent.

When contacting support, be sure to have the following information ready:

  • Your QuickBooks version
  • The email provider you are using
  • Any error messages you’ve received
  • A summary of the troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken


Dealing with issues related to QuickBooks invoices not sending emails can be frustrating, but understanding the common causes and knowing how to troubleshoot the problem can help you resolve it quickly. Whether it’s incorrect email settings, issues with your internet connection, or email provider restrictions, following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide will help you get back to business as usual.

By taking proactive measures and keeping your QuickBooks software updated, you can minimize the risk of encountering email issues in the future. If the problem persists, don’t hesitate to reach out to QuickBooks support for additional assistance.

If you're experiencing email problems in QuickBooks right now, try out these solutions, and you'll likely be back to sending invoices without delay.

user query refers to a question, request, or command entered by a user into a system to retrieve specific information or perform a task. In the context of a search engine, chatbot, or software application like QuickBooks, a user query could be a specific question such as:

  • "Why are my QuickBooks invoices not sending emails?"
  • "How do I fix email sending issues in QuickBooks?"
  • "QuickBooks invoice email delivery problem."

A user query is usually designed to find a solution to a particular problem or obtain relevant information quickly. The system processes this query and returns results or guidance based on the question asked. In your case, the query is related to troubleshooting email delivery issues in QuickBooks, and this content is designed to address that exact problem.


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